Refereed journal articles
"Job flows, demographics and the great recession" with Yelena Takhtamanova, Research in Labor Economics vol. 32, (May 2011).
“Gender, monetary policy, and employment: the case of nine OECD countries,” with Yelena Takhtamanova. Feminist Economics, (15)3 pp.1-31, (July) 2009.
Books and book chapters
"Gender, Monetary Policy, and Employment: The Case of Nine OECD Countries" with Yelena Takhtamanova (SF FRB), Chapter 10 in Inequality, Development, and Growth edited by Günseli Berik, Yana van der Meulen Rodgers, Stephanie Seguino, Routledge, January 2011.
Publications to the general public
Doorley K. & Sierminska E. (2010), 'Identifying Beauty and the Beast in the Labour Market: Returns to Physical Appearance in Luxembourg' , Vivre au Luxembourg no.65, Chroniques de l’enquête PSELL-3/2007, CEPS/INSTEAD, Luxembourg.
Refereed journal articles
"Financial and housing wealth and consumption spending: cross country and age group comparisons" with Yelena Takhtamanova, Housing Studies vol. 27, issue 5 (June 2012).
"Examining the Gender Wealth Gap" with Joachim Frick and Markus Grabka, Oxford Economic Papers vol. 62, issue 4, 2010.doi: 10.1093/oep/gpq007
“Differences in the measurement and structure of wealth using alternative data sources: the case of the UK," with Zoe Oldfield. Journal of Financial Transformation, (September) 2009.
"The Income and Wealth Packages of Older Women in Cross-National Perspective" with Janet Gornick and Tim Smeeding.The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 64B(3) pp.402-414, 2009.
“Income, Assets and Poverty: Older Women in Comparative Perspective” with J.Gornick, T.Munzi and T.Smeeding. Journal of Women, Politics & Policy vol. 30 pp.272-300, 2009.
“The Effect of Wealth on Consumption Expenditures: Cross-Country and Cross Socio-Demographic Group Comparisons” with Yelena Takhtamanova. Ekonomia 2008.
“The Luxembourg Wealth Study – A Cross-Country Database for Household Wealth Research,” with Andrea Brandolini and Tim Smeeding. Journal of Economic Inequality vol. 4 no. 3, (December) 2006.
Other journal articles
“Disentangling the Wealth Effect: Some International Evidence,” with Yelena Takhtamanova. FRBSF Economic Letter, No. 2007-02, 2007.
“Income and Poverty in the United States in Comparative Perspective: The Role of Income and Wealth in Guaranteeing Economic Security in Old Age.“ with T. Smeeding, J. Williamson, J. Gornick, and A. Brandolini. Public Policy and Aging Report 16(3):23-27. 2006.
Books and book chapters
“The Distribution of Assets and Debt,” with T. Smeeding and S. Allegrezza, Chapter 10 in Income Inequality: Economic Disparities and the Middle Class in Affluent Countries, edited by Janet C. Gornick and Markus Jäntti, Stanford University Press, Palo Alto California, June 2013.
“The Joint Distribution of Income and Wealth” with Markus Jantti and Philippe Van Kerm, Chapter 11 in Income Inequality: Economic Disparities and the Middle Class in Affluent Countries, edited by Janet C. Gornick and Markus Jäntti, Stanford University Press, Palo Alto California, June 2013.
“Survey Estimates of Wealth Holdings in OECD Countries: Evidence on the level and distribution across selected countries” with Markus Jäntti (Åbo Akademi U), Chapter 2 in Personal Wealth from a Global Perspective edited by James B. Davies, UNU-WIDER Studies in Development Economics, Oxford University Press, 2008.
“Homeownership Inequality and the Access to Credit Markets (Can Credit Availability Explain Cross-country Differences in the Inequality of Homeownership across Income of Young Households?) with Alena Bicakova (CERGE-EI) in "Growth and Income distribution in an integrated Europe: Does EMU make a difference?" edited by Lars Jonung and Jarmo Kontulainen, EUROPEAN ECONOMY. ECONOMIC PAPERS. 325. June 2008. European Commission. Brussels. 349pp.
“Comparing wealth distribution across rich countries: the Luxembourg Wealth Study,” with Andrea Brandolini and Tim Smeeding. IFC Bulletin No. 25, volume 1 of the Proceedings of the IFC Conference on "Measuring the financial position of the household sector" August, 2006.
Publications to the general public
Sierminska, E.(2009),'The economic position of the elderly in Luxemburg in a cross-national perspective,' Vivre au Luxembourg no.59, Chroniques de l’enquête PSELL-3/2007, CEPS/INSTEAD, Differdange, Luxembourg.